Collecting Hygiene & Cleaning Items for Help for the Homeless Drive

Our New London branch is a collection site for The Family Radio’s annual “Help for the Homeless” hygiene drive. We are collecting NEW hygiene and cleaning items for local crisis agencies from February 13 through March 4. Most urgently needed items are:
- laundry soap
- cleaning supplies
- deodorant
- dental care
- kitchen size trash bags
- shampoo
- feminine care
- diapers/baby care
- toilet paper
- paper towels
See a full list of donations needed.
How to Donate:
Please place donations in the “Help for the Homeless” collection box located at our New London branch. Financial donations also are being accepted which go towards the purchase of supplies. To provide a monetary gift, donate online at
How Donations Help Our Community:
Your donations will remain in this community. These donations help shelters direct their limited funds to provide qualified staff, counseling, food, and shelter to those they serve. Note: Food Share (formerly Food Stamps) does not cover the cost of non-food items such as soap and diapers.
Your donation makes an impact:
“When someone comes to us in the middle of the night with nothing but hope for a better life, our welcome basket filled with ‘Help for the Homeless’ toiletries and a few basic items means a lot.” – Shelter Director
“Children’s eyes light up and mothers have been brought to tears when I give them shampoo and toothbrushes, an extra deodorant for gym class, laundry soap to wash their clothes, cleaning supplies, feminine products, and toilet paper. A care package of hygiene and cleaning supplies is technically “just things in bag”, but to a family experiencing homelessness, it’s tangible proof that people care about them, they are worthy, and that they matter.” – School Social Worker
“At 18 I have ‘aged out’ of foster care. I’m homeless and have nothing. Being able to have shampoo, soap, a razor to shave with, and deodorant helps me to feel better about myself and feel sorta normal.” – Warming Shelter Guest
Thank you for your donation!