Wolf River Community Bank branches are participating in 91.9FM The Family Radio Network’s Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive, which runs until Monday, March 4.
The Drive collects hygiene and cleaning supplies for local crisis agencies. These donations make it possible for these agencies to concentrate their limited financial resources on providing qualified staff, safe housing, nutritious food, education, and counseling to those they serve. Hygiene and cleaning supplies can be expensive and are not covered by Wisconsin FoodShare (food stamps / SNAP). These donations help BOTH the crisis programs and those they serve.
Items most needed:
- Bathroom tissue
- Cleaning supplies
- Dental care
- Deodorant
- Diapers/Baby care
- Face/Bath soap
- Feminine care
- Hair care
- Laundry detergent
- Paper towels
- Razors
- Trash bags
View a full list of items needed >>
Please kindly consider making a donation. Your contributions stay within our communities. Items can be dropped off at any Wolf River Community Bank branch until Monday, March 4th.
Thank you for supporting those in need!