Investing in Education Strengthens Our Community


Wolf River Community Bank is dedicated to empowering local students by supporting their academic and professional journeys. Each year, we offer three $1,500 scholarships, awarded to one graduating senior from each of the Hortonville, New London, and Shiocton school districts. These scholarships honor students who excel academically, contribute to their communities, and aspire to careers in business or finance.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Graduating senior from Hortonville High School, New London High School or Shiocton High School
  • Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 or higher
  • Applicants must be pursuing a degree in business or finance at an accredited technical school, college, or university (or applicants can make a case that their degree is related to the banking business, such as human resources, marketing, or management)
  • Completion of at least 20 hours of community service

Application Instructions

Complete the application noting your academic performance, employment experience (if applicable), community involvement, extracurricular activities and personal essay response.

Application Deadline

Applications must be submitted by April 1, 2025. We are unable to accept late submissions.

Submission Instructions

Please submit your completed application and any supporting materials via email to or mail to:

Scholarship Committee
Wolf River Community Bank
309 E. Main Street
Hortonville, WI 54944

Please ensure all required materials are included with your submission, as incomplete applications will not be considered. Selected scholarship recipients will be notified at each school’s award ceremony in May.

Checklist of Required Materials

  • Completed application form
  • Verification of GPA (e.g., copy of official transcript)
  • Proof of community service hours
  • Essay (500-750 words)
  • Sign the application (digital signature is acceptable)

Apply today!

Are you ready to apply for a chance to be the next Wolf River Community Bank scholarship recipient?

Download Application

For the best experience (to sign your form digitally), please download and save the application form before filling it out, rather than completing it in your browser.

Best of luck to you as you take the next step toward your future!

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