Retirement Financing

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Traditional vs. Roth

Which is better, a Traditional IRA or a Roth IRA? Traditional IRAs offer tax-deferred earnings and tax-deductible contributions. Roth IRAs offer tax-free earnings, but contributions are not deductible.


IRA Information

Traditional vs. Roth Current Traditional IRA amount
Traditional vs. Roth Current tax bracket
Traditional vs. Roth Retirement tax bracket
Traditional vs. Roth Estimated investment rate of return
Traditional vs. Roth How much do you plan to save each year
Traditional vs. Roth Amount Saved is
Traditional vs. Roth Maximum IRA sheltered contribution
Traditional vs. Roth How many years until you retire
Calculator Information

The monthly payment calculated factors in both the principal and interest. It does not factor in other mortgages costs such as annual property tax, HOA fees, PMI, etc.

Calculator Disclaimer

These financial calculators are made available as tools for your independent use. We cannot and do not guarantee their accuracy or their applicability to your circumstances. We encourage you to seek advice from qualified professionals regarding personal finance issues.

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